Barbarini Lupus edition
In the early 1560s Manfred Barbarini Lupus was commissioned by Prince-Abbot Diethelm Blarer (abbot 1530–1564) to compose four-part choral music for the Mass and for the Liturgy of the Hours on high days. These compositions have been preserved in two large-format manuscripts at the Abbey Library in St.Gallen: Cod. Sang. 542 contains the vocals for Mass, Cod. Sang. 543 the chants for the Liturgy of the Hours.
The compositions by Manfred Barbarini Lupus are based on Gregorian choral melodies. These were sung by the tenor, while the other three parts are new.
In 2017, for the first time, an edition of all the pieces in these two manuscripts was undertaken by Samuel Schick, MA, under the supervision of Prof. Stefan Morent at the University of Tübingen. This edition can be obtained as a PDF in two ways: either as two full files with all the pieces from Cod. Sang. 542 and 543 in the same sequence as in the manuscripts, or as separate files for each feast day, ordered in accordance with the ecclesiastical year.
All the PDF files have links to the digitised manuscripts on and to the critical apparatus in the form of commentaries.
Cod. Sang. 542: Gesamte Handschrift
Allerheiligen 1. November: 520–546
Benedikt 21. März: 588–596
Christi Himmelfahrt: 130–168
Epiphanias: 362–396
Fronleichnam: 262–314
Gallus 16. Oktober: 440–514
Joseph 19. März: 650
Karsamstag: 3–8
Kirchweih 17. Oktober: 401–432
Maria Himmelfahrt 15. August: 656–718
Marienfeste: 724–792
Notker Balbulus 6. April: 606–646
Ostersonntag: 10–120
Otmar 16. November: 552–582
Pfingsten: 174–216
Trinitatis: 222–256
Weihnachten: 324–358
Allerheiligen 1. November: 27–281–289
Anima mea liquefacta: 244
Ave vivens hostia: 119
Benedikt 21. März: 50
Christi Himmelfahrt: 139–155
Contere domine: 87
Da pacem domine: 86
Deo gratias etc ad vesperas: 125
Domine ad adiuvandum ad vesperas: 124
Ecce panis angelorum ad elevationem: 121
Epiphanias: 222–233
Fronleichnam: 94–191–208
Gallus 16. Oktober: 14–24–247–274
Ite in orbem responsorium ad processionem: 89
Maria Himmelfahrt 15. August: 235–243
Notker Balbulus 6. April: 84–275–279
O salutaris hostia ad elevationem: 83
Osternacht: 126–136
Otmar 16. November: 30–41
Passion nach Lukas: 98
Passion nach Markus: 67
Passion nach Matthäus: 52
Pfingsten: 93–156–172
Regina coeli laetare: 79
Salve regina: 109
Salve regina2: 114
Sebastian 20: Januar: 44
Te deum: 1
Trinitatis: 174–189
Verkündigung des Herrn 25. März: 46
Weihnachten: 211–220